Immune System Reboot: Part 2
Conscious Natural Recovery of Being Well
Our biology is immersed in electric radiance all day — every day — from the beginning to the end of each of our lives. This field of electromagnetic life is a systemic management of wholeness flowing in, around and through each biological unit while living on planet Earth. It is light and, it is the greatest ally available in the human quest of many things — especially for health.
Equilibrium is the state of balance where opposing forces — well/unwell, true/untrue, helpful/unhelpful, healthy/unhealthy — are equal. When equanimity exists, calm and ease are the manifested result. Just as the electromagnetic field has been doing for Earth since its existence, your electromagnetic field maintains equilibrium for you that you may contentedly live the life you came here to thrive in, flourish in and be.
Many years ago, during a course on Master Gardening, I learned that, exposing a plant to proper sunlight and watering it on the same day each week was all it needed to manage its own natural health. With this nourishing sunlight and regular watering, the plant’s own system naturally wards off predatory insects and immunes itself from disease as it grows through its life cycle. What science has learned since is, a plant’s electromagnetic field communicates warnings with other plants, responds to soothing tones and grows larger, stronger and more beautiful within intentional environments of kindness and love. Your body and Earth do the same.
The interference of Earth’s health — and yours — isn’t a cause of its light. The disruption of electromagnetic equilibrium is that unwell/untrue/unhelpful/unhealthy forces (in thought, word and action) have become stronger than well/true/helpful/healthy forces (in thought, word and action). The violent forces of our atmospheric nature circling the world with increasing momentum AND the increasing momentum of our current pandemic are the effect of the cause of unbalance wreaking havoc in the electromagnetic fields of every living biologic unit. When I look at the images of COVID-19 — it looks like angry red pustules (angry emotional flairs and angry — or escaping — individuals) popping out of a blue planet.
We each live in a ball of light. This light is enough — with proper nourishment and hydration — to manage the equilibrium of our physical well being. The interference we experience in our natural equilibrium is the cause of choices (thought, word and action) taken before, during and after our conscious awareness of choices made. Repetitive unwell/untrue/unhelpful/unhealthy thoughts, words and actions build in momentum, become automated and create the individual atmosphere you are immersed in within your own ball of light.
Just as it has become necessary to change our habits within the increasingly unwell planet, it is necessary to change the habits within the unwellness of each individual and collective electromagnetic field — the light you/we live in. With a simple reset in the conscious thought of choosing and allowing your light to reset the natural alignment of Mind-Body-Mind within your physical experience, you will have taken a quantum step in the reboot of your own natural immune system.
In the meantime, continue the regimens of antioxidants, self-care and medical necessities. We will get through this.