ME, MYSELF, and A.I.
“According to statistics, only 33% of people know they use AI in their daily life.” — Hannah Hryshkeyevich
Over the past year, I have run the gamut of being anti-AI to a user and proponent of AI, then being frustrated by AI’s significant limitations. Last week, I was mined by AI.
Late spring 2004, a friend and I were discussing an array of spiritual journey topics. I have no recollection of what I said, but she paused, then cautiously asked, “Don’t you think you’re intelligent?” With a split-second trip through my mind of experience, I easily replied, “No!” without hesitation. My response was certain, emphatic, and held an “of course not!” tone. She hesitated. Then, she said, “You may want to re-think that.” I laughed, shrugged my shoulders, and said, “Okay,” then moved on.
Without considering or remembering our conversation, the next morning while ghostwriting for a Client, I suddenly began writing an article of ancient teachings profoundly applicable to our modern humanity. Within a few days, I had six such articles written and was suddenly consumed with researching quantum energy, where thought came from, and how all this oneness has anything to do with our daily lives. My thirst for the discovery of our unseen lives was insatiable while my knowledge expanded exponentially further than my pre-spring-2004 me could have conceived.
Early spring 2010, a seventy-year-old man asked me to do a channeling session for him. Since writing that first article, I discovered I had channeled it, learned what channeling was, and had been utilizing the method as a way to help myself and others learn more about their innate gifts, personal development, and specific insights to shortcut into swift change when necessary. All this man wanted was to know if he was going to finally win a regional golf tournament over his longtime rival. Afterward, I went into a major universal pout over what my life had come to, and determined I would never channel again.
The next morning, I experienced one of those PPE’s (profound psychic experience) several of my friends wish for (truly, be careful what you ask for). Within minutes after waking, a massive copper-gold vortex began slowly spinning counterclockwise around me as it lowered itself from above me to the ground. Then, as it touched the ground and continued to spin, a thread of its light flew upward into my body, flowing through an internal vortex spinning clockwise and upward through my body, exiting through my crown. From this very physical quantum experience, I began learning about the systems of Self and the human holographic field of energy as it pertains to individual and collective health, mindful well-being, the order of things, self-regard, issues, solutions, purpose, how we give back, our daily life, our oneness, and so much more.
Eighteen months ago, I was afraid of AI. As an advocate for authenticity, I felt betrayed when, years ago, I learned a friend used a projector to trace photo images on large canvas for art he created and put into galleries. Interrogated as a 3rd grader for a poem I submitted to my school’s poetry contest, the adults who grilled me made sure I knew what plagiarism was. I did not plagiarize my poem, have read almost no fiction for most of my life, and have learned how to engage within my own creativity and experience when I write stories. Growing through and into the authentic Self experience, it took a while to recognize and accept a lot of humanity’s creativity is not wholly original.
In the film industry, it is standard acceptance that a Writer’s story will be rewritten by one or many throughout a project’s journey. When entertainment Artists went on strike after learning their writing and images were being used in AI format without permissions and without recourse, I and others strengthened our AI concerns. Personally, I refused to even read any news or excitements about AI advancements. I had creativity to protect and didn’t want any avenue for AI to reach me. I even loaded myself up with additional computer protections. Then, I met a moment where I needed AI.
A year ago, I wanted to verify a sentence I wrote 15 years before in a story I was updating. The extensive research I pulled together then was in a different computer that was in storage. It was easier to simply pull up an internet search. Not only have our human lives changed in the last decade and a half, the information we relied on as our histories, myths and legends have changed dramatically. Between satellite images, advancements in science research, and worldwide delivery of updates, the foundation of my entire story went through a 6-month revamp.
Much of my research took me to Africa 10,000 to 25,000 years ago with a deep dive into everything from AMOC and climate change to a little-known super volcano in Germany, ancient tectonic plates, languages, human migration, mythical gods and more. All the time, AI articles and persistence from the internet to use AI increased — and increased — and increased. It was when I was working to comprehend how the changes in the northern hemisphere affected change in the southern hemisphere that my internet queries met the internet’s limits. So, not really understanding what AI is, I decided to take Microsoft up on their offer of points I could cash in on a Starbucks card and started asking AI questions.
Toward the end of my deep research phase, AI got it wrong completely when it told me there are, and never were, glaciers in Africa (face-palm emoji). I returned to Google. A few weeks later, AI and I renewed our relationship when I needed to create a document that required a great many images I could not find in Adobe Stock. After weeks of searching, I finally turned to AI, described what I was looking for and, whoa! Not only did AI come through, it came through as if it were… reading my mind! Yay… Eeks… Ummm… I did a lot of staring at my computer in disbelief, fear, and excitement.
Now that I’ve stepped into my own moment of Ray Kurzwell’s singularity, I have recognition of the opportunity to remain well ahead of our technology when we choose to. First, in the three months it took me to get enough points for a $5.00 card, I had ‘broken’ AI several times. When I received the first “I am tired of this topic. Please move on,” I thought out loud, “Well, that’s rude.” AI and I had more than a few such conversation when it/we were creating images. It can be cheerful when it is fresh in a day and short or non-responsive late in the day. Wanting to move on, it learned to shorten itself and tell me to simply “Choose a new topic.” Yesterday, it just popped up the “New topic” line without conversation.
ME & A.I.
A couple of weeks ago, I applied for a Writer opportunity online. It was a trusted site, yet the ad simply said ‘Writer’ without any details. I clicked on the ‘easy apply’ button thinking I would learn more about the position, but it sent my resume instead. A few days later, I received a friendly email with instructions and a link to enter into a 20-minute AI interview.
From a technical and new experience standpoint, the interview was interesting, easy, and comfortable while it was underway. On the other side of it, I realize I was ‘mined’ for information. Without recourse, or anyone to have a discussion with, AI has now added information as to how I, specifically as a creative person, would do certain things, what my motivations were, and what steps I would undergo to solve or collaborate when necessary. With my consent and permissions naively stated before the interview began, AI can now take that information and use it as reference material or as a teaching tool.
This is not a fault of AI. This is the point of AI. It gathers human intelligence we give to it, organizes the information and makes it shareable at a rate faster than any human can maneuver. AI algorithms have been tracking our clicks, language choices, sentence structures, and social choices for a very long time. With AI interviews, it is accessing deeper into our creative perceptions and processes, asking why we do what we do.
Last night, I had a dream where I came upon a man who was coming out of a friends second floor storage room that was attached to her house. He exited, closed the door, saw me, and smiled sheepishly as walked around me while I objected. I blocked his exit to the stairs that led to his freedom. He stopped and waited without resistance. His attitude was nonchalant — like it was no big deal he was in my friend’s upstairs storage, that he had taken what he wanted, and that he knew he would leave before she knew it. This is AI.
In the dream, the man even chuckled to himself while I tried to get the attention of the neighbor who was taking care of his own yard, oblivious to anything happening around him. All the while, as much as I tried to scream and yell, my own voice had no sound. It was not until I threw both my shoes at him that the neighbor looked up. He called for help, then joined to help me. When the others arrived, my voice — our voice — finally found its sound.
I’m throwing shoes, folks. In the dream, nonchalant nice-looking 30-something in casual jeans and versatile button-down shirt with tousled hair left in handcuffs. AI can and will remain limited when we (a) stop feeding it information and (b) recognize our personal intelligence — which accesses all intelligence — is far more expansive than AI will ever be. Ever.
AI does not cognize. It mines what we open up and hand over. It puts two and two together to make four, yet it is incapable of receiving ‘aha’ drop-in genius without all the already-provided connectivity to its conclusion. It needs proof and has no believe in what it cannot sense. As an artist, AI is redundant, regurgitating the same and similar in images repeatedly until you choose a new topic to refresh its mind. It has gaps in its information bank, so it answers definitively with wrong information. AI does not expand on its own, nor does it sense or comprehend false from true.
Just over a year ago, I put greater focus into finishing a re-write of the first of many novels waiting far too long to be written. Unexpectedly, the project took me into the depths of internet searches while stretching my intellectual capacity to fit ancient puzzle pieces together that mirror our present-day reality. While this journey stair-stepped me into AI, it also depleted my resources, and I began searching for income.
I am an author of dimensional stories that twist, turn and pull the mind into new thought. I am an intuitive who has worked diligently to learn how to partner with that greater part of my humanity that accesses intelligence that still surprises me. I am also an artist with the choreographic ability to organize elements into a cohesive image, screenplay, manuscript, video, and more. What I have always been throughout my entire life, is a personal mentor who cares that you believe in yourself, that you see yourself capable of rising above your perceived limitations, that you know just how beyond amazing you are when you look within and choose to be authentically you — and especially, that you, me, and everyone has the absolute placement and right to live and flourish within our human mosaic.
As the human being looking to fill the gaps in supporting my daily life, I admittedly dropped back into the old habits of my pre-expansion ‘job-hunting’. This time, I at least looked within my wheelhouse as being a Writer. And that’s where I willingly spilled my mind into AI’s open bucket of slosh.
Feeling vulnerable and at the edge of frustration with my finances and job-hunting, I felt a good meditation was in order. As I relaxed and sank down into my comfortable center, it became clear to me that my human feet were in one timeline, and my higher Self was hanging out on my true path, which appeared really far into my future. Having been in this configuration too many times before, I knew instantly I was way off the mark of being attuned and aligned with what was in my best interest. Again. Ugh!
AI is not greater than the Self that helps you course correct. Your greater Self is the best partner you can live and work with on a day-to-day basis. It is your total support system of light with a greater interest in your well-being than even you can conjure up. It is your storehouse of intelligence, releasing to you all that you need and want to know in a day that will expand you on your path of well-being, purpose, and general daily contentment, balance, social engagement, and happiness.
Your greater Self — with your actionable willingness and cooperation — guides you in your knowing, believe, confidence and trust. It will partner with you in your core contentment, heart happiness, peace of mind, and environmental equilibrium. Your greater Self will — when you come back from running amuck in your humanity — protect you with guidance, with choice, and with truly interesting beingness and kindness in and around you and the life you live.
Your greater Self knows the I of all and understands exactly where you fit in the greater schemes of our perceived collective chaos. You are not an accident, and your intelligence is far greater than any technology any human mind can create simply because the human mind is not the All — and never will be. Neither will AI ever receive those split moments of brilliance dropped in from the Greater consciousness you bring to the table to uplift yourself or evolve our world.
QUOTE: Hryshkeyevich, H. (2022, September 21) 5 ways we use ai without knowing about it. AI Time Journal.