Pivotal Moments. Part One.
There is an acceleration underway in the consciousness of the human mind. It is an expansion of access to the greater intelligence of who you are as an individual and who we are as a collective. It is light.
In the summer of 2008, I sat in my hammock with two books open in my lap. I confess I did not read either to the end. However, skimming the pages of “The Singularity Is Near” by Ray Kurzwell and “The Genie in Your Genes” by Dawson Church, these two books in side-by-side comparison seemed very similar to one another. Kurzwell wrote in terms of technology and Church wrote in terms of biology. Both were urgent in their messages of transcending our human biology to evolve at a critical evolutionary moment of our human inventions and health. Kurzwell spoke of our intelligence with greater capacity to learn and solve. Church spoke of consciousness with our greater ability to become and be well.
At the beginning of 2010, I woke up one morning in a well-defined new sense of awareness that can be described as a paradigm shift. Subsequently, I learned more about the term “thinning of the veils”. It is a term used in one’s evolution during a spiritual journey. To manage mental acuity in the human mind, the levels and layers of spiritual and scientific mysteries are limited and managed to the capacity a person can accept as What is True without shutting down or going off the rails, so to speak.
As one’s personal growth and awareness of its greater Self expands, so does ‘access’ to information previously veiled off from individual knowing. In a process of Self balancing, the ‘veils’ thin in slow integrations to prevent a mental short circuit and in sudden shifts to keep one from hitting a plateau that limits forward momentum. Since no two people evolve at the same rate, there is a lot of jostling in the life of the sojourner and their world as choices are made, relationships shift and lives change.
On December 12, 2012, I sat in meditation and journaled about upcoming expansion in human consciousness. A culmination of paradigm shifts that began in 2010 were ready to meet the much talked about “December 21, 2012” end of the Mayan Calendar, our planetary move into the 5th Dimension, and the still-active predictions of our kinder humanity. Shortly after, Generation Alpha made their mark of influx within our global population.
Generation Alpha began sprinkling the planet around 2010. While the current societal description of ‘alpha’ is generally defined with aggressive male qualities, the momentum of this Generation comes in the form of a New Beginning. They’ve come in on a wave of digital living that no previous generation of our believed recorded history has experienced. It is the mind of Generation Alphas that has pushed the human mental capacity beyond technological advances for us and our foreseeable generations.
In correlation with the body, expanded mind capacity naturally diminishes biological pains of inherited pasts. Mind is light. Light transmutes low frequencies of pain held in the memory of one’s physical biology. In this manner, Gen Alphas are naturally prepared with ease in letting go of their individual inherited past and, collectively, the pain of our historical atrocities.
Can we, as a global society, let them do what they came here to do?