Romancing Reality
If I designed the home of my heart, it would be made of glass with floor to ceiling windows of interesting design. The roof would rise in stepped pattern of beveled views with a softly spiraled floral design of stained glass at its center. Every room would be designed in the elegance of a Victorian conservatory, while utilizing beautifully textured glass for areas of privacy.
I would open my windows to let in the fresh air and cool breezes. I would listen to the symphony of wind in the pine forest and nearby aspen groves. I would feel the breath of resonance as my body rhythms weave with attunement of the natural world.
I would lay on my bed — or the floor — and calm as my mind transformed in changeable motion with the dissipation and billowing expansion of clouds moving in the sky. At night, I would drift off to sleep under the ever-brightening galaxy of stars that light our dream-lit nights.
Whether writing stories, creating art or washing dishes, I would never miss the senses and viewscape of pines, peeks of distant vistas, nourishing rains, dancing sunshine — and snow falling on the quiet pause of a winter day.
This is one of the dreamworlds my body, heart and mind merge with while aligning in the frequencies of beingness. The process is sweet, content, and completely comfortable. Everything around me in the physical reality of how and where I actually live, comes aglow and attunes in perfect harmony. It is a sensory essence I feel in everything I touch. The demanding edge of thoughts are transformed by the silkiness being is.
This symphonic choreography of harmony at the level of vibration is necessary and vital to my health and well-being.
Although the practical reality of me would never live in a wholly glass home, this attunement into utter beingness strengthens me in body, heart and mind to a standard within me that is akin to a warrior’s body armor — on the inside. While I feel capable of taking on the world, the agreement of accord created within body, heart and mind allows me to simply relax into the frequency of pure presence.
In this attunement, I am an ever-clear channel for myself and my clients, write imaginative stories in the visceral senses my characters feel, receive the unexpected surprises my art becomes — and, even wash dishes in the serenity of ease.
Whenever you are feeling un-ease or dis-ease, align your body, heart and mind within the essence of your own dreamworld. Allow the totality of it to refill you in the attunement of your true nature’s beingness. Then, merge the strength you’ve gained from within into the practical reality you live in.
The beauty of beingness within the resonant energies of our dreamworlds merging into the days of our practical realities, is the momentum that swirls together solutions to your everyday issues. You’ll call it magic — but, in reality — it’s naturally attuned synchronicities that resolve the differences in the energetic imbalance between un-ease and ease, discontent and content — unpleasant and pleasant.
Dreamworlds are pleasant. Realities can be unpleasant. Unpleasant realities do not align body, heart and mind into cohesive well-being with strength. Dreamworld vibrations are so cohesive in highest good frequencies, they align, heal and strengthen with expediency. And, with that strengthened body, heart and mind, those aligned core frequencies take quick action to reinstate internal and external equilibrium — the place where beingness flourishes and expands reality.
If you happen to adventure into your dreamworld and get ‘stuck’ in the attuning process, pay attention to the element that has manifested as a sticking point. Oftentimes, this kind of moment is the exact reference to what is ‘stuck’ in your reality. Contemplate, consider, feel the ‘stuck’ irritate. Stay with it as the energies tense, then release and dissipate. You’ll be surprised how effortlessly the referenced issue is smoothed and/or released from your reality.
The unseen frequencies in your beingness are your internal reference source of solutions for creating the internal/external equilibrium of a life in balance. Consciously utilize this resource as the key partnership of your life. Every moment you can be strengthens you inside and out, increases momentum and super-charges the synchronous resolutions within your daily reality.
It’s magical!